Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a branch of modern medical science. It is a drug free approach using various scientific physical agents such as electrotherapy for diagnosis, treatment and prevention, thermal and cold agents, sound waves, LASER etc; and physical activities such as exercises, mobilization techniques etc.
Physiotherapy aims at restoring, maintaining, and maximum utilization of a patient’s mobility, function, for overall well-being. It plays an important role in promoting health and preventing lifestyle disorders. It facilitates healing, pain relief, enhances muscle strength, joint mobility, nerve function etc. to restore function and independence.
Physiotherapy is a critical service in ICU, hospital setup, clinics, OPDs, community, on the sports field, as well as at home.
What type of conditions does a Physiotherapist treat?
Physiotherapists treat various conditions arising out of sports injuries, musculoskeletal and neurological issues, neonatal and paediatric care, ageing, cardiorespiratory, women’s health etc.
Some common issues that can be treated by a physiotherapist are: Neck, back and joint pain, swelling and stiffness of joints and muscles, loss of muscle strength, loss of mobility due fractures, post operative care, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart and lung disorders such Myocardial infarction, Bronchitis, Asthma, Neurological conditions such as stroke, spine injury, Parkinson’s, Multiple sclerosis, etc.
How does a Physiotherapist plan the treatment?
A Physiotherapist’s approach to treatment is to treat a ‘person’ rather than “just a body part”.
A Physiotherapist will assess you and make a need-based personalised treatment plan depending on your medical diagnosis, health condition, body mechanics , your existing functions, activities and functional needs at home, workplace and outdoors. The treatment plan includes scientific and evidence-based techniques and a home exercise program which will be customised as per your unique situation, needs and goals.
Who can be benefitted by Physiotherapy?
Everybody can be benefitted from Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy helps people from all age groups from
infancy to old age.
What are the areas of specialisation in Physiotherapy?
In India, Physiotherapists are trained at the University level for graduate and post graduate masters and Ph.D. specialisation programs.
Specialty areas include Musculoskeletal (Orthopaedics), Neuro Physiotherapy, Sports Physiotherapy, Cardiorespiratory, Paediatric Physiotherapy, Women’s Health, Vestibular and Balance Rehab, Community Physiotherapy.
Besides, Physiotherapists gain proficiency in certain specialized techniques e.g. Mulligan Mobilisation, Mckenzie approach, Taping, Dry needling, NDT, Myofascial releases etc. through hands on workshops and training programs.
Do you offer Speciality Physiotherapy services at PhysioCare centre?
Yes, we have facilities and Physiotherapists of the following specialities viz;
- Musculoskeletal/Orthopaedics Physiotherapy
- Neuro Physiotherapy
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy
- Paediatric Physiotherapy
- Vestibular and Balance Rehab
- Community Physiotherapy.
Our Physiotherapists are proficient in techniques e.g. Mulligan Mobilisation, Mckenzie approach, Maitland mobilisation, Cyriax soft tissue mobilisation. Neural tissue mobilisation, Kinesio-Taping, Dry needling, Myofascial releases, NDT (Neurodevelopmental Therapy), PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation), Brunstromm, Motor relearning therapy etc through hands on workshops and training programs.
Is treatment at the Physiotherapy centre or at an hospital OPD better than treatment at home?
This depends on the patient’s condition and the architectural barriers he/she has to encounter in order to access the Clinic/hospital services e.g. availability of care givers, transport facilities, absence of a lift facility etc.
The advantage of attending a clinic facility is the availability of expertise, space for exercise & equipment.
However, for a patient confined to bed, home therapy is preferred.
Should a patient fast prior to Physiotherapy?
No. Carrying out your prescribed exercise program will involve expenditure of energy. So do not fast. You may have a light meal and your prescribed medicines as advised by your doctor. However, inform your Physiotherapist about the medications you are taking.
Is a Physician's prescription needed prior to Physiotherapy?
Very often Doctors refer the patients for Physiotherapy. Prescription is necessary, especially for post Stroke, Myocardial infarctions, inflammatory disorder, infections, post operative cases, fractures etc. to ensure that the patient is medically stable and can be mobilised.
In case the patient consults a Physiotherapist directly, the Physiotherapist will do a thorough physical examination, diagnosis and guide the patient, and refer to the appropriate medical speciality as necessary. A Physiotherapist is part of the Medical team. They work closely with the Doctors.
Ensure to carry your prior investigations, medical records, discharge summary etc. with you for your
What is the duration of each session?
This will depend on the type of your health condition. Some may take as less as 15 minutes to some up to 45 min and sometimes even longer for patients with multiple issues.
How many sessions/days of Physiotherapy will I require to take?
This will depend on your health condition. A simple sprain of muscle spasm may be treated in 1-2 sessions whereas conditions like post fractures/ surgery, Stroke, spinal cord injury, respiratory cases may require many more sessions. Your Physiotherapist will be able to guide you.
However, please remember that there will be certain exercises, change of work style habits, Do’s and Dont’s that your Physiotherapist will advise you which you have to carry out routinely for prevention and recurrence of symptoms.
What should I wear when I go for Physiotherapy?
Comfortable and loose clothing is suggested. Very often the affected body part needs to be exposed as well as the joint above and below it for assessment and treatment.
Shorts / track pants/ palazzos/ pyjamas/ salwar’s are preferred for lower body.
For upper body Loose fitting tops/ shirts/ T shirts/Tank tops are preferred.
Use of cotton clothing is preferred especially while taking deep heat modalities viz Short-Wave Diathermy.
In case you have long hair, carry a clip/ band to hold them together. Avoid wearing accessories & jewellery.
Do you offer home care services?
No, we do not offer home care services. Patients need to be brought to the centre for assessment and treatment.
How do I make an appointment?
You can contact the PhysioCare centre at +91-9137952842 or fill up this appointment form and we will call you back.
In case of any communication difficulties (speaking or hearing), kindly fill the appointment form, and please mention in the message box that you wish to be contacted via text and we will do so accordingly.
Are the charges the same irrespective of the time taken?
Charges have been fixed as per the type of modality/ equipment/ technique used in Physiotherapy rather than time.
Do you provide bills for insurance / office reimbursement?
Yes, we do provide bills for the payments made.