What is Neurophysiotherapy?
Neurophysiotherapy is a specialised branch of physiotherapy dedicated to improving the function of patients who have problems caused by disorders in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves or muscles.
Persons having disorders of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves or muscle have difficulty in moving, joint stiffness, unsteadiness, muscle weakness, loss of sensations etc. There is a breakdown of pathways carrying nerve signals to and from muscles and organs to the brain. eg; Stroke, Traumatic brain Injury, Spinal cord injury, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, Nerve injuries, neuropathies, Bell’s palsy, Muscular dystrophy etc.
The good news is that they can benefit from Neuro-Physiotherapy. This is because, Neurophysiotherapy can help the brain to form new connections (“Neuroplasticity”) which rewires the brain to learn or re-learn tasks and abilities. Neurophysiotherapy is tailored to each individual’s specific needs, for example, the patient’s ability to eat, grasp and lift objects, sit, stand, walk etc.
Various techniques of Neuro-Physiotherapy include Neuro Developmental Therapy (NDT), Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), Motor relearning, Mirror Therapy, Constraint Induced Movement therapy(CIMT), Treadmill with Body Weight Support Training (BWST), Virtual Reality, balance training, Bio Feedback, Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) skill training etc.
How does Neurophysiotherapy benefit?
Neurophysiotherapy rewires the brain to learn or re-learn tasks and abilities to optimize individual functions and skills towards independence.
- improves muscle tone, strength & motor control,
- improves and maintains joint range of motion,
- improves joint stability,
- prevents tightness in muscles,
- improves posture and body alignment,
- reduces pain,
- improves balance and hence prevents falls,
- improves co-ordination for performance of skilled activities,
- improves performance and independence in daily functional activities,
- improves walking pattern for indoor and outdoor walking,
- boosts confidence,
- improves quality of life.
Common conditions encountered for neurophysiotherapy:
- Stroke
- Parkinsonism
- Vertigo
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Myopathies
- Neuropathies
- Nerve Injuries
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Multiple sclerosis
- Guillan Barre Syndrome (GBS)
- Bells palsy
- Transverse myelitis
- Cerebellar Ataxia
- Sensory Ataxia
… and much more!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How does a Physiotherapist plan a treatment?
A Physiotherapist’s approach to treatment is to treat a ‘person’ rather than “just a body part”.
A Physiotherapist will assess you and make a need-based personalised treatment plan depending on your medical diagnosis, health condition, body mechanics , your existing functions, activities and functional needs at home, workplace and outdoors. The treatment plan includes scientific and evidence-based techniques and a home exercise program which will be customised as per your unique situation, needs and goals.
Is a Doctor's prescription needed prior to Physiotherapy?
Very often Doctors refer the patients for Physiotherapy. Prescription is necessary, especially for post Stroke, Myocardial infarctions, inflammatory disorder, infections, post operative cases, fractures etc. to ensure that the patient is medically stable and can be mobilised.
In case the patient consults a Physiotherapist directly, the Physiotherapist will do a thorough physical examination, diagnosis and guide the patient, and refer to the appropriate medical speciality as necessary. A Physiotherapist is part of the Medical team. They work closely with the Doctors.
Ensure to carry your prior investigations, medical records, discharge summary etc. with you for your consultation.
What is the duration of each session?
This will depend on the type of your health condition. Some may take as less as 15 minutes to some up to 45 min and sometimes even longer for patients with multiple issues.
How many sessions/days of Physiotherapy will I need to take?
This will depend on your health condition. A simple sprain of muscle spasm may be treated in 1-2 sessions whereas conditions like post fractures/ surgery, Stroke, spinal cord injury, respiratory cases may require many more sessions. Your Physiotherapist will be able to guide you.
However, please remember that there will be certain exercises, change of work style habits, Do’s and Dont’s that your Physiotherapist will advise you which you have to carry out routinely for prevention and recurrence of symptoms.