Our Services

The motto of Physiocare Center is "Dependence to Independence".
Keeping this in mind, we offer services to cater to a variety of conditions
that cause disorders in movement and function.

Helps in regaining mobility, strength, function and Quality of Life.

Optimises the child’s sensory motor development.


Helps in treatment & prevention of sports injuries and getting back to playing as soon as possible.


Rewires the brain to learn or re-learn tasks and abilities to optimize individual functions and skills towards independence.

Boosts heart health, increases lung capacity, improves Cardiovascular endurance restoring your independence.


Speeds up the healing process, and expedites the process to take care of oneself, return to daily functions, outdoor activities, education and vocation.

Improves balance with exercise, reduces fear of falls, restores confidence and return to the community life.

Involves treatment & prevention of falls, improves independence in functional activities and moving outdoors, in the elderly.